Corné van den Kieboom

Corné van den Kieboom

Lead Assay Developer

Corné van den Kieboom has over 10 years of experience in assay development for molecular diagnostics. He obtained his PhD on novel diagnostic techniques and biomarker discovery at the Radboud University Medical Centre. After his PhD, he worked at Innosieve Diagnostics as lead assay developer and was responsible for test kit production scale-up. Currently, Corné focusses on bridging the gap between clinic and diagnostics developers. Early 2018, he founded The contract R&D and consultancy company “Inventin”. Over the years, Corné collaborated with many innovative players in the field of platform development, e.g. NXP Semiconductors, IMEC, Biocartis and BiosparQ.


Peter Harmsma

Peter Harmsma, Ph.D.

Manager Product Develoment

Peter Harmsma has been lead Sr. Scientist on integrated optics at the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research – TNO for over 10 years. He holds a PhD in integrated optics, and was co-founder of the start-up company ThreeFive Photonics (Delft, 2000). This company commercialized the integrated optics technology developed at the Delft University of Technology for telecom applications. Peter is specialized in the design of integrated photonics chips, and in test and measurement strategies. He has an extensive network in the European (integrated) optics community, and has played an important role in several integrated photonics-related European projects. Together with Bart, Peter developed the technology that Delta Diagnostics commercializes within the Optic department of TNO.


Ronald Vos

Ronald Vos

Sr. Director Business Development

Ronald Vos has over 30 years of experience in life sciences and diagnostics. As an analytical chemist by training, he held many sales, sales management and business development positions at companies like Luminex, Millipore and Thermo Fisher. Later on in his career he supported start-ups like Mycartis and the Clinical Genomics group within SeraCare. Since 2019 he supports starting organizations in LSR and DX business development projects ranging from individual sales to distribution management to OEM projects. During the years he travelled intensively throughout Europe, US, the Middle East, Africa and India and with his multicultural knowledge can perfectly support territorial expansion.


Luc Schmitt

Luc Schmitt

Chief Financial Officer

Luc Schmitt obtained his masters (Msc/LLM) at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is a seasoned finance professional with a background in corporate banking and solid track record in venture financing. His key expertise includes capital related topics such as fundraising, financial modelling. valuation and M&A. Currently, he is active as an acting CFO within the biotech sector.


Marcel van Kasteel

Marcel van Kasteel

Chairman Advisory Board

Marcel van Kasteel has over 30 years of experience in the Diagnostics Market. He held senior management positions, advisory and business development roles in the Diagnostic Market. He is founder and owner of Van Kasteel Business Accelerator B.V. to support start-up and large IVD companies in growing businesses in Europe and USA. He was Vice- President Europe Middle East & Africa at Beckman Coulter , based in Switzerland and CEO of Philips Handheld Diagnostics in Eindhoven and responsible for the development and launch of the POCT MiniCare system in Europe.